Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 2

October 2 was a Friday and we had a reception at the gallery where I work. This presented a challenge to me because of the sheer availability of food. Motivated by the pangs of hunger that clamor several hours into my shift, the morsels of crudités that I would (ordinarily) pop into my mouth on instinct were off limits. It’s not as if the Kirkland Signature spinach dip or the strict geometry of cubed Cheddar were irresistible, it was that they were there. As Woody Allen once put it, [some high percent] of success is showing up. Certainly he wasn’t referring to processed dairy food stuffs, but as the Law of Consumption states, serve it on a platter and they will come; or more plainly, the more there is, the more you’ll take. This seems to be understood on some subconscious level by all who mill about the appetizers at these social functions. Who doesn’t love free food?

So for the evening I stuck to the carrots and hummus, which I previously passed over while working to prevent agliotosis. All in all it was an ok night and the best part was coming home to a steaming bowl of cous cous.

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